
August 2024

Actualizare pentru 2021 și 2022

O actualizare semnificativă pe MEPcontent.com tocmai a fost finalizată, datorită eforturilor neîncetate ale echipei noastre de operațiuni de conținut. Au dedicat nenumărate ore pentru a vă aduce cele mai recente actualizări Revit pentru 2021 și 2022. Rezultatele sunt uluitoare: peste 28.000 de fișiere Revit au fost modificate, inclusiv peste 26.243 de familii Revit, 2.212 cataloage de tipuri și 52 de șabloane Revit. Un sincer mulțumesc echipei noastre dedicate pentru asigurarea doar a celor mai bune componente pentru utilizatorii noștri MEPcontent!
Mai 2024

New! Radson PLS with a new generation of panel radiators.

New and available for the Stabicad users in the Benelux: the Radson PLS with a new generation of panel radiators.

This new range offers several improvements and advantages over previous models. Below is an overview of the new models compared to their predecessors:

  • Compact HP (formerly Compact)

  • Integra Flex 8C (formerly E.Flow Integra)

  • Integra Parada Flex 8C (formerly E.Flow Parada)

  • Integra Ramo Flex 8C (previously E.Flow Ramo)

  • Hygienic HP (formerly Hygienic)

Key improvements include an improved and safer mounting system MCW-7 with anti-sliding protection, as well as an increased working pressure of 10 bar instead of 6 bar for all radiators. In addition, the Flex valve radiators come with a preset insert and offer the option of mounting the thermostatic head on the left or right, providing more installation flexibility.

We would like to highlight that this new range completely replaces the previous models and has been available for some time. The previous models are no longer produced and can no longer be ordered.

In addition to these innovations, Radson is also introducing the Tinos H Flex, a new horizontal design radiator that can add a contemporary touch to any room.

For detailed information and benefits of the new radiators, please visit the website: www.radson.com.
Martie 2024

MCE trade show in Milan, 12-15 March 2024

MCE is the international trade show where companies in the HVAC+R, renewable energy, energy efficiency and water world meet new customers and strengthen relationships with those who design, install and build plants and systems for comfort in the industrial, residential and commercial sectors.

From 12th to 15th March 2024 the Trimble team will be happy to meet manufacturers at the trade show, to discuss how Trimble solutions can support them in the digital construction world.

Please get in touch here to meet.
MCE Milan, 12-15 March 2024
Februarie 2024

New! Wavin available in Stabicad UK

We’ve recently extended the availability of Wavin’s PLS files in Stabicad to the United Kingdom. Stabicad users have access to more than 1000 Wavin products of the following product lines:

About Wavin UK
Wavin is the UK's leading manufacturer and supplier of plastic drainage piping solutions for above and below ground projects. As one of the longest established names in this competitive and demanding market, Wavin built its reputation on 60 years of high quality and innovation.

The Wavin headquarters are located in Zwolle, the Netherlands. We have a direct presence in over 25 countries with 30+ manufacturing sites, mostly in Europe. Outside Europe we operate through a global network of agents, licensees and distributors. We employ some 5500 people and have annual revenues of around € 1.2 billion. In 2012, Wavin became part of Mexichem , the global leader in plastic pipe systems and the chemical and petrochemical industries in Latin America.

Wavin’s European leadership, local presence, commitment to innovation and technical support, all benefit our customers. We consistently achieve the highest sustainability standards and ensure total reliability of supply to support our customers to achieve their objectives.

For more information, visit Wavin UK.

Meet us at Light + Building in Frankfurt. Be electrified!

From 3 to 8 March 2024, the international meeting place will focus on lighting trends in all their facets, the electrification and digitalisation of home and building service technology and connected security technology.

Be electrified
The energy transition in the building sector makes a decisive contribution to achieving climate protection goals. Whether energy supply or energy management - the basis for the energy use of the future is the electrification of houses, buildings and urban infrastructure. Light + Building underlines the central importance of electrification with the claim "Be electrified".

Based on the motto of the world's leading trade fair the three top themes Sustainability, Connectivity and Work + Living specify the factors set to be essential for living, working and mobility in tomorrow’s world.

Let’s meet!
We will be there from Tuesday 5 to Thursday 7 March to meet and discuss options for your content in the Trimble Workflow.

Register here
Ianuarie 2024


ELCO’s AEROTOP® EVO (PLUS) heat pumps are reversible and versatile, ensuring there is always a suitable, high efficiency (A++ to A+++ rated) option for every commercial application.

AEROTOP® EVO (PLUS) heat pumps can handle a building’s heating, cooling and domestic hot water (DHW) demands as part of a truly multifunctional system. Not only does this save space (as only one system is required instead of three separate ones), it also contributes to reducing costs, as less needs to be spent on installation and maintenance throughout the products’ lifespan.

The heating mode enables AEROTOP® EVO (PLUS) heat pumps to produce water temperatures up to 60°C, when it is anywhere between -4°C and +30°C outside. In cooling mode, the heat pumps can generate chilled water to a minimum temperature of 5°C, when it is anywhere between -10°C and +48°C outside. Finally, in terms of hot water, the heat pumps are capable of producing DHW up to 55°C or 60°C, respectively.

Leading the way in terms of functionality and sustainability, these commercial heat pumps offer intelligent and efficient performance, thanks to full inverter technology, alongside smart interacting modules to optimise energy input and heating/cooling output. This is complemented by high-performance compressors, a primary inverter pump and a fully modulating inverter fan. Furthermore, these heat pumps can be installed in cascade, enabling systems to be expanded and upscaled, with up to 16 units able to meet a building’s heating and cooling demands up to 1.68 MW.

Suitable for applications from residential buildings, office complexes, hotels, schools to warehouses, AEROTOP® EVO (PLUS) heat pumps from ELCO Heating Solutions provide exceptional comfort and performance alongside outstanding levels of energy efficiency.

Take a look at the ELCO BIM library for the latest BIM files and watch the AEROTOP® EVO (PLUS) video.

Soluții energetice HVAC pentru un viitor durabil - Prezentarea TTM

De la degazoarele cu vid care asigură performanța optimă a sistemului la filtrele cu magnetita care previn reziduurile nedorite și la unitățile de derivație care oferă un control eficient al fluxului de energie pentru toate componentele sistemului HVAC. TTM lansează prima parte a noii biblioteci BIM TTM pe MEPcontent.com.

Ce diferențiază TTM?

Fluxul de lucru simplificat:

TTM înțelege valoarea timpului dumneavoastră și al instalatorilor. Modelele noastre Revit CAD sunt concepute pentru a se integra perfect în fluxul de lucru, oferind o experiență fără probleme în sistemele HVAC. Produsele noastre sunt ușor de instalat și de pus în funcțiune, ceea ce reduce drastic timpul de instalare și riscul de eșec.

Inovare în esența sa:

TTM a fost întotdeauna sinonimă cu inovația. Trecerea noastră la modelele CAD Revit este doar o parte din angajamentul nostru de a vă oferi instrumente care reflectă cele mai recente progrese în tehnologie.

Abordare centrată pe client:

Nevoile dumneavoastră sunt în centrul a ceea ce facem. Am proiectat cu atenție modelele noastre Revit CAD pentru a răspunde cerințelor dvs. specifice, asigurând o experiență ușor de utilizat care să vă îmbunătățească capacitățile de proiectare.

Gamă cuprinzătoare de produse:

Explorați gama noastră extinsă de produse, acum la îndemâna dumneavoastră în baza de date MEPcontent. De la soluții eficiente din punct de vedere energetic la tehnologii durabile, TTM oferă o selecție diversă pentru a satisface cerințele unice ale proiectului dumneavoastră.

Începeți astăzi să proiectați cu TTM!

Vizitați site-ul TTM și MEPcontent.com pentru a explora prima parte a gamei noastre de modele Revit CAD. Duceți-vă proiectele la noi niveluri cu TTM - unde inovația întâlnește precizia.

New SANHA piping systems available

Two new piping systems from German manufacturer SANHA are now available in the free SANHA Product Line Placer on MEPcontent.com, in Stabicad and in Trimble Nova: Streamline® ACR Copper Press and SANHA® Heavy Steel Press. Both systems are designed to meet the highest standards of quality, reliability and performance for various installations, including cooling, refrigeration, water, gas and industrial applications.

Safe pressing up to 48 bar

SANHA® has just introduced Streamline® ACR Copper Press fittings to the European market. The press fitting system is well suited for refrigeration and air conditioning applications. What makes it stand out is the high-pressure rating of up to 48 bar. This system uses copper pipes and fittings with not just one, but two special O-rings called DualSeal™ which serve to reliably contain even miniscule refrigerant molecules and are able to withstand temperatures from -40 °C to +120 °C.

The Streamline® ACR Copper Press piping system is compatible with most common refrigerants and offers a fast, easy and safe installation method without the need for brazing or soldering. The fittings are approved for use with hard, half-hard and soft copper pipes. Detailed information can be found at www.sanha.com.

Reliably connecting thick-walled steel pipes

The second system is the SANHA® Heavy Steel Press, a press fitting system for industrial and fire protection applications. This system uses carbon steel pipes and fittings with a galvanized zinc-nickel coating that provides excellent corrosion resistance and durability. The SANHA® Heavy Steel Press system can handle temperatures from -20°C to +120°C and pressures up to 16 bar. The system is suitable for various media such as water, gas, oil, compressed air and sprinkler systems.

Both systems are now available in the SANHA Product Line Placer on MEPcontent.com, in Stabicad and in Trimble Nova, ready to use in your Revit, AutoCAD and Trimble Nova projects. You can also browse and insert them directly into your models using the MEPcontent Browser app, a powerful search engine that allows you to access the largest BIM library for MEP engineers. With MEPcontent and the Trimble software’s Stabicad and Trimble Nova , you can benefit from the most up-to-date and manufacturer-specific BIM content for your piping systems.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at webuk@sanha.com or technik@sanha.com or visit our website www.sanha.com.

Download the free Sanha Product Line Placer now and visit Sanha’s BIM library on MEPcontent.com.

New Wildeboer plug-in in Trimble Nova

Are you tired of spending hours searching for the right parts and components for your construction projects? With WiDim, Wildeboer’s Dimensioning Software and its connection to TrimbleNova, searching for reliable components including their calculation functions is now faster and dimensioning components easier than ever before. With the information and calculation data stored in Trimble Nova, you optimise your workflow and minimise the error rate. Convince yourself of the efficient connection between WiDim and Trimble Nova!

Trimble Nova: Access to all BIM objects in just one CAD software
Trimble Nova brings manufacturers, MEP engineers and installers closer together so that projects can be planned and installed more accurately and efficiently. Because only what can be delivered can also be installed. We integrate numerous manufacturer data directly in the software so that dimensioning and design can be done immediately with all relevant and necessary facts - without manually leafing through manufacturer catalogs. Additional data, such as part numbers, allow for an even better integrated ordering, installation and maintenance process. Manufacturers also benefit because they make all their data available to the customer where it is needed most: in the model. For more information, check out the Trimble Nova website.

Wildeboer Bauteile GmbH: Experience and know-how made in Germany

Wildeboer develops, manufactures and markets products for:

    - Fire protection
    - Air distribution
    - Building control systems
    - Noise protection.

Superb product quality is the basis for highest level of customer satisfaction – from development through to easy on-site installation by the contractor.

Products from Wildeboer are manufactured exclusively in Germany – at our modern production site in Northern Germany. Production and logistics are highly flexible and most products can be delivered to site within 72 hours if required. For more information, please consult the Wildeboer website.
Decembrie 2023

Thank you!

We would like to take a moment to thank everyone contributing to the success of the MEPcontent platform: the 233.000+ MEP engineers relying on the quality of our BIM-library and downloading content for their projects, the 450+ manufacturers working with us to make their products available as BIM-files and last but not least everybody at MEPcontent and within Trimble making it happen. Wishing you all happy holidays and a sparkling 2024!

Trimble obține certificarea ISO

Trimble are plăcerea de a anunța că organizația sa de conținut BIM din Europa a obținut certificarea ISO 9001 și ISO 27001. Aceste standarde recunoscute la nivel internațional înseamnă că fișierele noastre de conținut MEP și modelele 3D (Revit, Autocad și IFC), fișierele Stabicad PLS și cataloagele Trimble Nova sunt create folosind procese care au o garanție de calitate și siguranță, ceea ce face ca serviciul pe care îl oferim să fie cel mai bun din industrie.

Ce standarde ISO am atins?
ISO 9001 este cel mai recunoscut standard de sistem de management al calității din lume, stabilit de Organizația Internațională pentru Standardizare (ISO). Acesta ajută organizațiile să implementeze procese clare și repetabile pentru a menține în permanență servicii de calitate pentru clienții lor.

Cunoscut oficial sub numele de standardul ISO/IEC 27001 pentru managementul securității informațiilor, acesta detaliază cerințele pe care trebuie să le îndeplinească companiile pentru a gestiona în siguranță activele și datele informatice în conformitate cu un standard recunoscut la nivel internațional. ISO 27001 impune organizațiilor să evalueze riscurile de securitate a informațiilor, să implementeze controale și procese de securitate solide și să integreze managementul securității informațiilor în întreaga organizație.

Ce înseamnă acest lucru pentru clienții noștri?
Clienții noștri sunt deja familiarizați cu asigurarea noastră internă de calitate, Extended MEPcontent Standard (EMCS) 5.0. Acesta oferă inginerilor și producătorilor MEP din întreaga lume o înțelegere clară a conținutului oferit pe MEPcontent.com: consecvent, uniform, compact și în conformitate cu standardele BIM internaționale și locale.

EMCS este un standard uniform pentru inginerii MEP la nivel global și a fost actualizat recent.

Această certificare ISO independentă este o reafirmare a angajamentului nostru față de clienții noștri. De ea beneficiază toți clienții noștri, de la producătorii care doresc să creeze și să distribuie conținut BIM, până la distribuitorii care consumă informațiile și inginerii care utilizează conținutul pentru a crea modele gata de construcție. Înseamnă că toți clienții pot fi siguri că lucrează cu creatori de conținut care dispun de procese solide pentru a asigura o calitate și o securitate superioare.

O garanție externă a calității, securității și acurateței, care să asigure fiabilitatea și procesele repetabile în întreaga noastră organizație vastă, este de o importanță majoră pentru o companie de date.

Ca parte a acestei certificări, includem acum un mecanism de feedback pentru toate fișierele de pe mepcontent.com. În vederea îmbunătățirii continue, formularul nostru de feedback permite producătorilor să ne spună despre experiența lor pe site-ul nostru. Aceste informații ne vor permite să optimizăm experiența clienților și să îmbunătățim nivelul de satisfacție.

Vizitați mepcontent.com pentru a parcurge biblioteca noastră de conținut sau contactați-ne pentru a afla mai multe.

Major update of RAMINEX fittings

RAMINEX's PLS of fittings in Stabicad has been completely updated and expanded for the Netherlands! Among other things, dimensions, URL links and ETIM information have been updated. Almost 200 new articles have also been added. RAMINEX focuses on the development, production and sale of high-quality and practical components for gas, drinking water, heating and cooling systems. Read more! (In Dutch)

Domotec's contribution to tomorrow's housing

Energy is becoming increasingly precious and expensive. The economical use of energy and the sensible use of renewable energies while at the same time increasing comfort, cosiness and safety meet current demands in the construction and renovation industry. For these reasons, Swiss market leader Domotec is constantly expanding commitment in the field of renewable energies and offering environmentally friendly and future-orientated solutions for the homes of tomorrow.

Domotec’s comprehensive product portfolio offers the right solution for every need. It includes modern air-to-water and geothermal probe heat pumps, over 4000 water heaters in over 300 designs, self-regulating trace heating tapes and many other products.

Recently Domotec partnered up with MEPcontent with an extensive BIM library of their products. The freely available and high-quality BIM files (Revit, Autocad and IFC) are localised for the Swiss market and available in English, German, Italian and French to meet the needs of their customers. Make sure to select the Swiss flag on the filter ribbon of the MEPcontent website. 

Trimble Nova
Domotec catalogues are also available in the modelling and calculation software Trimble Nova, in the same languages. The components have 3 levels of geometry detail and are provided with a maintenance space. The catalogues include air-to-water heat pumps, hybrid water heater, hot water - heat pumps, fresh water station, photovoltaic water heater, high capacity water heater, floor standing water heater (special versions) and wall water heater 10-30 litres. Watch the video.

Domotec will participate in the Swissbau trade show that will take place from 16th to 19th January 2024 in Basel, Switzerland. During the trade show they will dedicate a part of the booth to Building Information Modelling. You are welcome to visit Domotec at booth E50, hall 1.1. Trimble MEP will as well be present at Swissbau in the same hall, booth D20, offering advanced solutions that transform workflows between the office and the construction site.

About Domotec AG, 45 years of experience
Since their founding in 1976, Domotec developed into the Swiss market leader in the areas of water heating and sustainable heating solutions with a lot of commitment and foresight, with high-quality products, needs-oriented services and comprehensive customer service. Their goal is to inspire with qualitative, economical and future-oriented home technology products.

For more information and inspiration, go to Domotec’s website.
Noiembrie 2023

A warm welcome to Air-Concepts on the MEPcontent platform!

Air-Concepts is convinced that a healthy indoor climate can only be achieved with proper ventilation. This has been supported by numerous studies. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential that the required fresh outside air is supplied at the right time and quantity to the area where it is needed. This is only possible when air quality and air volume are measured and (automatically) controlled.

For exact measurement and control of the air volume, Air-Concepts developed the FloXactTM air flow sensor and a variety of VAV terminals. Recent Air-Concepts projects include the implementation of 500 airflow measuring stations for Kuwait International Airport's new terminal building and the delivery of 2000+ VAV terminals to the Hilversum Ter Gooi hospital in the Netherlands.

Air-Concepts recently started a partnership with MEPcontent with a comprehensive BIM-library of their products.

About Air-Concepts

Air-Concepts Ltd. is a manufacturer of air distribution equipment and was established in 2005. Their specialization is speed sensors (FloXactTM) and VAV units. This is essential for the right temperature and ventilation.

The FloXacts are produced in Hoorn, the Netherlands, where both the R&D and sales departments are located. In Trebnje, Slovenia, Air-Concepts produces the VAV terminals and other air-distribution equipment, including swirl diffusers, perforated diffusers, linear diffusers, displacement diffusers, and floor diffusers.

Thanks to many years of experience, Air-Concepts can provide a suitable solution for every building and application. Customization can also be provided by their own production. In addition to advising and delivering on new projects, Air-Concepts can also provide an objective analysis of complaints about the indoor climate and/or climate installation. Air-Concepts is also an excellent partner for optimizing, re-adjusting, or renovating existing VAV installations.

A fossil-free future for everyone

Triple Solar is the inventor of the PVT heat pump and the corresponding PVT heat pump panels. The company wants to achieve maximum impact by reducing CO2 emissions when heating homes. To this aim they develop smart solutions in the realm of sustainable energy: produced and used in a sustainable manner, fully recyclable and without environmental impact.

World’s largest PVT installation in London
The University of West London aims to be climate-neutral by 2030 and installed 580 Triple Solar PVT heat pump panels to that end. Which will lead to energy savings of more than 500 tonnes of CO2 per year. The project involved the installation of 580 PVT heat pump panels and other energy efficiency improvements at the four university sites. Obsolete gas boilers were replaced with heat pumps to reduce nitrogen oxide pollution and improve air quality, which together with PVT heat pump panels provide renewable energy. The installation is considered to be the world’s largest PVT installation. The PVT heat pump panels work together with heat pumps to reduce an estimated 500 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The system generates enough energy to heat 70 homes or to make millions of cups of tea!

Introduction of the compact Thermal Battery
Very recently Triple Solar introduced its latest innovative product, the Thermal Battery. The energy-efficient Thermal Battery is combined with the Triple Solar PVT heat pump. Compared to a traditional hot water vessel, the Thermal Battery is up to four times smaller and therefore fits in every home. CEO and founder Cees Mager: “Homes are getting increasingly smaller. As a result, there is often no room for a large kettle. The Thermal Battery is so compact that it even fits in a kitchen cabinet.” Unlike electric batteries, a thermal battery does not store electricity, but heat. This stored heat can be used at a later time to make instant hot water. This eliminates the usual storage of hot water in the water tank that causes a lot of heat loss.

PVT heat pump also available on the German market
During the ISH fair in Frankfurt earlier this year, Triple Solar officially launched its unique PVT heat pump on the German market. Founder and CEO Cees Mager: “This is our first official step into the German market, which in terms of numbers is five times larger than the Dutch market. Germany is therefore a very logical choice for us. We will open our own office in Germany in 2023, to support the market introduction.”

The PVT heat pump 3.5 uses the most modern techniques, including the natural refrigerant propane. It also uses the generated electricity very economically. For an all-electric setup the PVT heat pump needs 4 PVT panels as a source; whereas a hybrid setup needs 3 PVT panels.

Triple Solar’s up-to-date and ready-to-use BIM library is available on MEPcontent.com.
For more information about Triple Solar, go to the company website.

Build Smart with UBBINK

For the Air Excellent products, Ubbink has recently released the updated template with the new families.

To make it even easier for the user, connecting the ducts to the adapter sets for the air distribution box and the valve adapters, among other things, has been significantly improved. The manual clearly describes the use of these adapter sets.

These improvements and new additions were extensively tested and adapted in close cooperation with Ubbink and with daily users.

The Ubbink template Air Excellent is now available for free download at MEPcontent.com.

For questions about the products, you can of course contact Ubbink, advies@ubbink.nl.
If you need help using the template, please contact MEPcontent.

About Ubbink

Ubbink provides solutions and technologies that enable customers to increase the energy efficiency of houses and improve the indoor climate. Our focus is on gas flue and ventilation ducting systems. In addition, Ubbink manufactures and sells products for watertightness, airtightness, room ventilation and construction ventilation. Ubbink is represented in Europe and around the world.

Our knowledge network

Ubbink is a member of the Germany-based and SDAX listed Centrotec Sustainable AG. Under Centrotec many companies are gathered together to create an enormous knowledge network on sustainable solutions in the fields of heating, ventilation and climate control technology, as well as solar thermal, biomass, heat pump technology and co-generation. Centrotec companies focus on both the market for new buildings and the increasingly relevant renovation market.

Within Centrotec, the Ubbink and Centrotherm companies formed the Ubbink Centrotherm Group; an international task force that initiates and promotes innovation and collaboration in the fields of R&D and production technology, take seats in committees and follow local and international regulations.

Henco: We Care To Connect

What an impressive expansion of the Henco BIM library on MEPcontent! For example, the new universal wall plate bridges in no less than 6 variants, perfect for any situation. For Stabicad users, 5 product series are available as PLS files. Are you designing with Henco piping systems? Then it goes twice as fast with the free Henco Product Line Placer App for Revit. Read on quickly and take a look at Henco's complete BIM library on MEPcontent!

A wall plate bridge for every situation
Every mounting of a (mixing) faucet stands or falls with the correct mounting of the wall plates behind it. System provider Henco has the solution with its universal wall plate bridges, which can be perfectly matched to any situation in 6 variants.

The 3 mm thick universal wall plate bridge made of galvanized steel is suitable for various applications: shower and bath taps, or the substructure and firm anchoring behind hollow walls. The wall plate consists of 2 variants (flat and curved) and, in combination with 6 different variants of wall plates from the Henco range, can always reach the right height. Click here to view the entire BIM range of wall plates on MEPcontent.

Updated Henco PLS files for Stabicad
Get access to the Henco products by using Stabicad. The PLS files for the United Kingdom have been updated and expanded, including the product lines Henco Vision, Henco Press, Henco Press Super Size and Henco Sprinkler.

Stabicad is a fully-integrated BIM solution for MEP design that allows you to create usable mechanical and electrical outputs while dramatically increasing your design efficiency. It is available for Revit and enables you to work with thousands of articles with extended information and up-to-date generic and manufacturer-specific content - directly within your model.

Design twice as fast with the Henco Product Line Placer
The free Henco Product Line Placer App for Revit enables MEP engineers from all over the world to design Henco piping systems twice as fast. As you draw, the right fittings are automatically added to your system. And if you want to make advanced connections with real fittings rather than custom fittings, it takes only a few clicks.
Use the in-app predefined schedules and order your items directly from the material lists with a guaranteed up-to-date content. Download for free the Henco Product Line Placer.

About Henco
Henco Industries is a leading Belgian manufacturer of multilayer pipes, fittings, taps and system solutions for the HVAC and plumbing industry. They offer a wide range of products, accessories and solutions and operate in more than 80 countries worldwide. Do you have questions about Henco products? Send your email to info@henco.be or visit https://www.henco.be/en/contact.
Octombrie 2023

Nou! Tipuri de fișiere Trimble Nova vizibile pe MEPcontent

Pe MEPcontent.com puteți găsi cu ușurință conținut BIM specific producătorului în diferite formate: Revit, Autocad, IFC și PLS pentru Stabicad. De asemenea, puteți verifica ce producători au conținut disponibil în software-ul de modelare și calcul Trimble Nova.Puteți vedea acum ce componente Nova sunt disponibile pentru fiecare producător! Pur și simplu selectați tipul de fișier Nova atunci când faceți clic pe filtrul Tip fișier pe site-ul web MEPcontent. Puteți utiliza celelalte filtre din meniu pentru a selecta producătorul, categoria și țara. Pagina articolului afișează un buton Nova în forma de cerc pentru a distinge tipul de fișier și detalii despre componenta Nova: o imagine 3D, numărul articolului, tipul articolului, descrierea și în ce țări este disponibilă.

Pentru mai multe informații, consultați pagina de întrebări frecvente.
Septembrie 2023

Suport pentru aplicația Revit 2024

Proiectați cu ușurință sisteme mecanice, electrice și sanitare cu MEPcontent și aplicațiile MEPcontent dedicate per producători! Toate acestea pot fi descărcate și utilizate gratuit. Acum și cu suport pentru Revit 2024!

Răsfoiți cea mai mare librărie BIM și îmbogățiți-vă proiectul cu conținut BIM generic și specific producătorului cu ajutorul MEPcontent Browser. Pur și simplu încărcați sau inserați conținut 3D direct în modelul Revit sau în desenul CAD. Fără a fi nevoie să părăsiți mediul proiectului dvs. Descărcare și utilizare gratuită.

În calitate de inginer structural, puteți comunica acum cu ușurință cu inginerii MEP și cu contractorii pentru a gestiona golurile la viteză mare. BIM se bazează pe colaborare, iar aplicația Openings a fost creată special pentru acest lucru. Combinarea golurilor, aprobarea sau respingerea cererilor pentru amplasarea acelor goluri, crearea de goluri în proiectul arhitectural sau structural și crearea fișierului rezultat din analiza se poate face rapid și eficient.

Proiectați, gestionați și configurați cu ușurință seturi complete de întrerupătoare, chiar și pentru cele mai mari proiecte BIM, cu ajutorul Switch Range Configurators ale producătorilor ABB, Busch-Jaeger, Niessen și Jung. Experimentați varietatea de opțiuni și funcții de proiectare cu anotarea corectă oferită de această aplicație pentru a eficientiza proiectul atat în 2D cat și în 3D. Menținem conținutul actualizat mereu cu cele mai recente modificări disponibile în locația ta.

Aplicația Mitsubishi Electric System Designer pentru Revit și AutoCAD este alegerea ideală pentru proiectarea eficientă a sistemelor de aer conditionat Mitsubishi Electric. Aveți acces la conținut localizat și actualizat, utilizând opțiuni avansate de căutare și filtrare pentru a găsi elementele potrivite în câteva secunde. Apoi, plasați țevile și fitingurile și le conectați direct la articole. Toate acestea direct din setarile personalizate ale propriului proiect.

Aplicația noastră Product Line Placer pentru Revit simplifică proiectarea sistemelor de conducte, instalații sanitare, apa reziduala și de alimentare prin utilizarea unui conținut precis și localizat de la producătorii dvs. preferați: Henco, Ostendorf, Poloplast, Sanha, Raccorderie Metalliche, Rubinetterie Bresciane Bonomi. Trebuie doar să faceți clic și să desenați, iar fitingurile potrivite sunt adăugate automat în sistem. Datorită funcționalității de autorouting, fitingurile potrivite sunt adăugate automat în sistem pe măsură ce desenați. Sunt utilizate programele predefinite ale aplicației, iar articolele pot fi comandate direct din listele de materiale.

Funcționalitatea de calcul pentru sistemele de apă uzată din aplicația Valsir Product Line Calculator este complet integrată în Revit și respectă standardele europene. Proiectarea si calculul realizandu-sa in aplicatie, riscul apariției unor erori este minimizat.

Descoperiți toate aplicațiile noastre pe MEPcontent și descărcați-le gratuit!

Change management: the keys to successful digital adoption

Introducing a digital solution is not just about adopting new technologies: it also requires effective management of organisational change. Involving the project team, who are not always familiar with these tools, is crucial. You'll need to convince them that the new technology being adopted meets the organisation's objectives while benefiting the work of the teams. Ready to optimise your change management? Here's how. Read the article in French.

Valsir free plugin for plumbing designers

The Valsir Product Line Calculator is a Revit plugin that allows MEP designers all over the world to design Valsir water supply and drainage systems in half the time, thanks to two very important new features:

  • the possibility of automatically dimensioning drainage systems in accordance with the UNI EN 12056-2 standard;

  • the possibility of checking systems that include VBF.

This is in addition to the functions already made available by the previous version of the plugin, which allowed the automatic optimisation of waste systems and the direct download of all Valsir libraries, both for drainage and supply systems. Download the free Valsir Product Line Calculator on MEPcontent.com!

All functionalities

Thanks to Product Line Calculator, you now have at your disposal a set of very useful new design tools:
Simplified system modelling

  • Design using a single diameter

  • Optimise your system with advanced autorouting

Management of detail levels

  • Design a detailed system by defining each sanitary appliance

  • Simulates entire portions of a system by entering the number of sanitary appliances to be considered.

Dimensioning according to UNI EN 12056-2

  • Customise the calculation settings of your system, compliant with normative indications, by defining contemporaneity coefficient, manifold slope, type of system for branches.

Automatic dimensioning with component classification

  • Automatic calculation of pipes with re-allocation of diameters

  • Classification of system components according to a specific colour scale

Exportable calculation report of your project
August 2023

Revit 2020 >>> 2021. Da! Am făcut-o din nou pentru dumneavoastră!

Tocmai a fost finalizată o mare actualizare pe MEPcontent.com. Cea pentru care echipa noastră de operațiuni de conținut a petrecut ore și ore pentru a o aranja în beneficiul dumneavoastră: actualizarea Revit de la 2020 la 2021. Avem câteva cifre impresionante pentru dvs.... peste 27.000 de fișiere Revit în total au primit o schimbare de look, cele mai multe dintre ele familii Revit (24.900+), dar și type catalogs (2.100+) și templates Revit (40). Vă mulțumim, echipă! Doar ce e mai bun pentru utilizatorii noștri MEPcontent.