
Ianuarie 2017

Why 3D content is essential for Mitsubishi Electric

Starting almost 100 years ago as a Japanese manufacturer, Mitsubishi Electric today serves customers worldwide in a wide range of industries. This multinational has a clear mission: to bring innovative technology to society to create a brighter future. In order to continuously improve products and services, acting on changing customer demands and trends is key. Mitsubishi Electric offers content for their HVAC products on MEPcontent.com to help customers deliver high-quality BIM projects.

“Our customers need to deliver extensive designs for their projects. We took on the BIM challenge, to make it as easy as possible for engineers to select Mitsubishi Electric over and above any other brand” says Paul Sexton, Technical Marketing Manager for Mitsubishi Electric Europe. “The goal was to make sure that all of our products are BIM ready, so that our customers can easily work with our products in a BIM project. From a consulting engineer working on behalf of a small sized company to a large multinational corporation located somewhere in Europe”.

Quality is key for Mitsubishi Electric
MEPcontent has developed and published content for multiple air conditioning and ventilation product ranges. Revit families, 3D DWG and IFC files are now available for the Mr. Slim, Ecodan and City Multi series. For Paul Sexton, quality was one of the key factors in choosing a partner for developing content. “Quality is synonymous with Mitsubishi Electric and we wanted to have really good quality BIM content. We were looking for a partner who could give us confidence and knew what they were about. Also, they had to be flexible enough to work with a multinational like Mitsubishi Electric. That is why we chose MEPcontent to deliver the BIM roadmap for us. MEPcontent has its grassroots in the MEP industry. It is part of a 26 year old business, a market leader in the Netherlands and is eager to grow with a multinational like ourselves.”

The content has proved itself successful. After the products had been published on MEPcontent, the Mitsubishi Electric offices all over Europe invited their customers to download and use the content. “We've received great feedback from our customers so far. That's how we reassure ourselves of the importance of high-quality BIM content” says Paul Sexton.

Set your BIM roadmap for 2017
How are you, as a manufacturer, dealing with the demand for BIM content of your customers? Join our webinar ‘BIM for manufacturers’ on Thursday January 26th from 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM CET, to get up-to-date with the latest BIM trends in the MEP industry.
Decembrie 2016

Visit us at ISH 2017

Save the date: from 14 to 18 March 2017 the ISH takes place in Frankfurt am Main. ISH offers the world's largest performance show for innovative bathroom design, energy-efficient heating and air-conditioning technology and renewable energies. Together with Stabiplan, we will also be present. Visit us at booth V19 (hall 5_6)!

Webinar: BIM in 2017 for manufacturers

Webinar: BIM in 2017 for Manufacturers
Manufacturer specific 3D content is becoming increasingly important in the BIM process. This provides both an opportunity and a challenge for manufacturers. Do you have a BIM roadmap for 2017?

During our webinar on Thursday, January 26th, we have discussed how manufacturers can reach MEP engineers by providing quality BIM content. Charles Lekx and Maarten Sonneveld of MEPcontent discussed the role of content in the BIM process in 2017. Watch the recording of the webinar.

Vaillant Group is BIM ready

The first BIM files for Vaillant, a leading manufacturer of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, have been published on MEPcontent.com. Revit families and IFC files for different heating appliances can now be downloaded by German users from the BIM platform.

“The importance of high-quality design in the technical installation sector is increasing, and will be even more important in the future” says Juliane Krüger, Head of Planning Support at Vaillant Group. “Technical Installation design is getting more complex, more and more parties are involved in the design process. We want to be sure our products are visible for all stakeholders”.

Vaillant asked MEPcontent to create and publish content for multiple product groups, starting with boiler systems. Krüger: “Ultimately the goal of BIM content for Vaillant is to make the lives of our customers easier. Nowadays, our customers require content in order to design high-quality heating systems. We want to meet their needs as good as possible, that is why we decided to create BIM content for our products”.

The German manufacturer is active in more than 20 different countries and has a wide product range. Managing data is one of Vaillant’s big challenges. “Data for our products is different everywhere. We want to be sure our customers are provided with the correct local data, also for our BIM content” says Juliane Krüger. “We were looking for a supplier that could do that. MEPcontent offered us a solution for managing local BIM content on an international scale, which was exactly what we needed”.

The first Revit families and IFC files have been published on MEPcontent now, serving specifically the German market. In the coming months, more content will be published for different European countries. All of the content is compliant to the EMCS (Extended MEPcontent Standard), “Customers all over Europe rely on correct product data. Quality of the content therefore is very important to us. With the EMCS, the quality of our BIM content is guaranteed” says Juliane Krüger.

BIM files for the ecoVIT exclusiv, ecoTEC plus, ectoTEC exclusiv, ecoCRAFT exclusiv, ecoCOMPACT and auroCOMPACT can be downloaded directly from MEPcontent.com.

Cum a înfruntat Caleffi provocarea BIM

Având în vedere cererea crescândă a pieței pentru articole 3D precise, BIM este un subiect fierbinte pentru Caleffi. Provocarea acestui an a fost: cum să furnizăm inginerilor MEP din întreaga Europă articole precise pentru proiecte BIM? Caleffi a ales MEPcontent drept platformă pentru oferirea articolelor BIM ale produselor sale.

„Căutam un partener care cunoaște pretențiile clienților noștri când vine vorba de BIM”, spune Walter Bertona, Manager Marketing Digital & Comunicare la Caleffi. „MEPcontent înglobează, ca parte a Stabiplan, ani de experiență în industria MEP. Cei de acolo știu exact ce nevoi are un inginer MEP în ceea ce provește articolele. Alegerea portalului MEPcontent a fost ușoară”.

Partener BIM strategic
Walter Bertona: „MEPcontent se dovedește un partener strategic în domeniul BIM. Calitatea și ușurința în utilizare reprezintă cheia către clienții noștri, iar echipa MEPcontent a livrat ce a promis: articole remarcabile și ușor de utilizat”.

În ultimele luni au fost poublicate pe MEPcontent articole pentru diverse grupuri de produse ale producătorului italian. „Standardul European pengtru MEPcontent (EMCS) a fost decisiv în alegerea portalului MEPcontent drept platforma de popularizare a articolelor noastre”, spune Bertona. „Dorim să fim siguri că clienții noștri lucrează cu date corecte 100%. Având în vedere că produsele noastre sunt conforme cu EMCS, acest lucru este garantat".

Marnix Leune, Manager Business Process pentru MEPcontent, ne-a îndrumat prin procesul de creare a articolelor. „Deoarece EMCS se aliniază cu diverse norme și standarde BIM, cum ar fi IFC, COBie, VDI 3805 și ETIM, calitatea articolelor este asigurată”, spune Leune. „Adăugând informații precum numere de articol, GTIN, URL și alte date de pridus specifice, inginerii lucrează cu produse care permit proiectarea și calculul în cadrul proiectelor BIM. Îmbăgăâind articolele cu informații comerciale, este facilă utilizarea acestor date mai târziu în fluxul de proiectare”.

Măsura este comoara
Succesul articolelor BIM se vede în statistici. „Dacă privim statisticile descărcărilor, se observă o creștere în fiecare lună. Articolele sunt descărcate din toată lumea, chiar și din Cambodia”, spune Bertona. „Utilizăm statisticile ca valori de intrare pentru activitatea de marketing și vânzări. Cu ajutorul statisticilor putem măsura succesul unei lansări de produs, dar și să vedem dacă unele produse au nevoie de eforturi suplimentare de marketing”. Cu acest aspect, MEPcontent adaugă valoare directă vânzărilor internaționale și startegiei de a companiei Caleffi. „Suntem optimiști și privim la numărul tot mai mare de descărcări ale articolelor noastre de pe portal. BIM este în fruntea agendei noastre și în 2017, astfel încât ne vom extinde gama de articole BIM în anul care urmează”.

About Caleffi
Manufacturer of high-quality components for heating, plumbing, air conditioning, heat metering and renewables systems, for domestic and industrial plants. The headquarters of Caleffi is in Italy, the manufacturer serves more than 70 countries from 15 sales offices.

Seria Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan publicată pe MEPcontent

Inginerii și desenatorii pot proiecta cu ușurință sisteme de încălzire utișlizând articole Mitsubishi Electric.

Au fost publicate fișiere Revit IFC ale întregii serii Ecodan. Articolele din această serie, constând atât din unități interioare, cât și exterioare, pot fi descărcate de pe MEPcontent.com.

Despre seria Mitsubishi Electric Ecodan
Atât economicoasă, cât și ecologică, seria Mitsubishi Electric ECODAN încorporează o pompă de căldură foarte eficientă, care captează „căldura din aer”, o sursă regenerabilă de energie. Echipată cu un control avansat al invertorului, controlul metioculos al temperaturii asigură o încălzire confortabilă, iar unitatea interioară compactă de tip „totul într-un loc” este ușor de instalat. Aceste caracteristici de economie, comfort și ușurință în instalare au adus sistemul de încălzire ECODAN în lumina reflectoarelor.

BIM într-o perspectivă europeană

BIM is collaborating and sharing knowledge, including on an international level. Thus, in October, the key players in the European BIM world came together during the Revit Technology Conference and Building Content Summit in Porto.

European BIM content
During the discussions it appeared that there are significant differences in BIM adoption between the European countries. A major challenge for international parties here is the creating of uniform BIM content. Throughout Europe it appears that there is both a need for good generic content as well as specific content, but that current BIM content is often not correct or up to date. The development of BIM objects provides an opportunity for manufacturers to respond early in the BIM workflow. It is clear that there is a demand for a European standard on the market. A standard that connects to the construction site.

Uniform standard
There were many positive responses to the EMCS 3.0, the Extended MEPcontent Standard. The EMCS is consistent with the demand for uniform and up-to-date content, with a vision to develop content, with which both manufacturers and engineers are able to work. Content that is maintainable, which contains the right information and is fast to design with. Leading international manufacturers such as Mitsubishi Electric and Caleffi already choose develop their content in accordance with the EMCS and publish it on MEPcontent.com.

New developments
The latest developments in BIM software were obviously also discussed. There were in-depth technology sessions on new Revit functionality, while topics such as Cloud collaboration and 3D printing were also discussed. Autodesk also published the first Revit Roadmap, which reflects the future plans that Autodesk has for the software.

More than just Revit
RTC has long been much more than just a Revit event. Hence, the organization announced that they will change the name to BILT: Buildings, Infrastructure, Lifecycle, and Technology, to indicate that it is an industry-wide event and that it is about more than specific software.

Meeting early adopters
RTC also provides leading software vendors with space to present themselves. Stabiplan was also present and there was much interest in the Stabicad productivity tools. Edwin Schalk, Business Development Director at Stabiplan: “It is important to exchange experiences with the early adopters of new technology during such events. Thanks to the leading position of Stabiplan in the field of design software and content for MEP, we are a discussion partner for everyone (both manufacturer and engineer) from the MEP industry”.

Realitatea virtuală: viitorul BIM?

Virtual Reality (VR) appeals to the imagination. Obviously, you can fantasize away about the opportunities it brings. The technology is about to break through both in entertainment and business.

Mixed reality
We are recently introduced with another variant: Mixed Reality. Microsoft launched the Hololens: goggles that aim to blend real world with virtual images, holograms. These allow you experiencing virtual reality right on your desk in your living room, in the office or outside.

But how can the world of construction and technical installation use this technology? We have recently demonstrated a number of possible applications during the SUM (Stabicad User Meeting, watch the video of the demo in Dutch). Just to see with each other where this technology can go and what applications are viable.

Understanding the model
The first application is displaying a 3D model of a plant room. The room's hologram can be put in any physical place wherever you want. For instance, on the floor or on a table. Completely in 3D and scalable in size. This provides great insight into the pipework in relation to the frame construction of the plant room and other technical components. This demonstration shows only geometry, but you can imagine this model to be more intelligent, in terms of providing, for example, product information, feedback, status and planning information. This could simply be a part of construction works meeting where the designs of various disciplines are discussed.

Smart 3D objects
The second application is placing a technical installation product as a hologram in a real room. The Hololens opens the MEPcontent browser and downloads a 3D model of a Remeha cascade setup from MEPcontent.com. This setup can, for example, be placed in a plant room. Here every centimeter counts, so coordination is of great importance. An advantage is that the Hololens supports 'hosting'. You can place the heating system against a wall or, in the case of a floor installation, on the floor. The product models on MEPcontent are exact, which means that you can see actual dimensions of the layout and that all connections are displayed exactly in the right place. This allows you to see if the setup fits in the room or check if it can be connected correctly in advance.

During the maintenance stage
Finally, this technology can also provide a solution to a technical installation product in action, such as a boiler or a pump physically present in the building. The service engineer can look at the boiler with the Hololens and immediately see real-time data on working hours, scheduled maintenance and any errors. The engineer can carry out maintenance or remove jams with the use of clear visual instructions provided by the manufacturer. In addition, the Hololens also has a camera on board. In case you need a second pair of eyes as a service engineer, pressing a button allows your colleague or manufacturer to have a look and help you get started.

Science fiction or near future? Time will tell. The first promising steps in the technology have been already taken. We are inspired and closely follow further developments. Together with the industry.

Johan Schlingmann,
Manager Product Management at Stabiplan

Articole 3D disponibile pentru sistemul de centrale solare Solar Home de la Remeha

Sunteți în căutare de articole BIM pentru sisteme solare de încălzire? Remeha își extinde biblioteca BIM existentă pe portalul MEPcontent.com cu familiile Revit și fișierele .dwg 3D aferente seriei Remeha Solar Home.

Inginerii pot descărca fișierele BIM pentru articolele Remeha Hybrid Plus, Tzerra HP, Hybrid, Calora Tower, RemaSOL en ZentaSOL de pe platforma pentru inginerii MEP. În curând seria se va extinde cu articole pentru colectoarele solare.

Despre Remaha Solar Home
Gama Remeha Solar Home constă din câteva sisteme bazate pe energie solară. Instalatorul poate alege soluția potrivită fiecărei situații în parte. De la imobile înșiruite până la case individuale uni-familiale sau pentru familii mari. Colectoarele sunt disponibile atât în versiune orizontală, cât și verticală, pretabile pentru montare în sau pe acoperiș, pentru acoperișuri plate sau montare murală. Combinați unul până la cinci colectoare solare ușoare și compacte cu încălzitoare solare de apă de înaltă calitate, de diferite clase și capacități. Clasele superioare sunt totodată și cazane echipate complet (inclusiv stație solară, regulator și vas de expansiune) pentru ușurința în montare.
Noiembrie 2016

Noi familii Revit pentru clapete TROX

Inginerii BIM pot descărca acum familiile Revit gratuite pentru clapetele anti-incendiu AK, FK-EU, FKR-EU și FKRS-EU de la Trox.

Despre Trox
Trox este o companie de proiectare și producție de soluții HVAC și facility management. Cu peste 50 de ani de experiență în domeniu, cunoștințele noastre extraordinare în proiectare ne plasează printre primii la capitolul inovare a produselor.

Recapitulare: SUM 2016, evenimentul BIM pentru inginerii MEP

“We are BIM live” a fost tema SUM 2016, eveniment BIM bienal dedicat inginerilor MEP, organizat de Stabiplan și MEPcontent. La fabrica Van Nelle din Rotterdam au fost prezenți mai mult de 600 de participanți. Ingineri de instalații, consultanți și producători au fost inspirați și îndrumați prin împărtășirea de experințe BIM.

Să învățăm unii de la alții
Nimeni nu poate ignora că BIM este o realitate. Dezvoltările se desfășoară cu rapiditate. Adopția BIM este din ce în ce mai avansată în toată Europa. „Lucrăm cu toții din greu să implementăm BIM”, spune directorul general al Stabiplan, Gijs Willem Sloof. Dar cum te asiguri că ții pasul cu toate noutățile? De unde apuci BIM? Cum să eviți eșecul? „Împărtășiți experiențe — nu doar succese, ci și dezamăgiri”, spune Edwin Schalk, directorul de dezvoltare al Stabiplan. „Despre asta e vorba astăzi, dar sperăm că veți pleca de aici știind că puteți lua telefonul și apela pe oricare dintre noi. Să învățăm unii de la alții și, astfel, vom progresa”.

Sărbătorirea succesului
Persoane reprezentând patru dintre verigile lanțului și-au împărtășit în cadrul sesiunilor plenare experiențele avute cu BIM. „Începeți undeva și veți remarca progresul”, este sfatul lui Michiel van Wijk, director internațional BIM la Deerns Advisors. Arjan van Haperen, director de proiecte pe zona sud la Unica, firmă olandeză de proiectare de instalații, pune accent pe importanța sărbătoririi succesului. „În timpul întânirilor interne evidențiem ce are BIM de oferit. Acesta este modul în care inspirăm și motivăm oamenii". Producătorul Barcol Air lucrează din greu să-și alinieze procesele cu BIM. „Anul trecut ne-am îmbogățit articolele cu informații comerciale și dorim să adăugăm și alte criterii de selecție la articolele noastre. Inginerii pot utiliza aceste informații pentru a plasa comenzi și pentru a efectua calcule", spune directorul comercial Johan Mes. Sfatul lui Martijn Visscher, inginer la Breman Installors: „Începeți să utilizați BIM. Consumă bani, timp și nervi, dar merită pentru o mai bună înțelegere, coordonare și comunicare".

BIM este realitate (virtuală)
That virtual reality is nog longer science-fiction, but actually makes the construction process more efficient, turned out during the impressive presentation of Johan Schlingmann, manager product management for Stabiplan. Equipped with a Microsoft HoloLens, Schlingmann inspected a Remeha boiler and a Duijvelaar hydro-unit. Participant saw live how technical data and maintenance figures were called out from the BIM model using the HoloLens. This is how engineers and technicians on the building place will benefit from smart information, added earlier in the BIM process.

Interested in the pictures or after-movie? Check out the Stabiplan website later.

Sunt disponibile peste 10000 de produse HC Barcol-Air

With the recently published Air-Fit 300 and Air-Fit 600 ceiling-induction units, a large part of the HC Barcol-Air product range is now available as BIM content on MEPcontent.com. The manufacturer is “BIM ready”. Good BIM content, enriched with intelligent trade information, is essential to the international manufacturer of air distribution components and adjustment control systems.

More than 10,000 products
"There is an upward trend in the demand for our content," says Lars Wiersma, Technical Director and Export Manager for Barcol-Air. "Users want content that, in terms of dimension and size, corresponds 100% with the product so that a project is completed that actually works in reality." Barcol-Air meets this need. Of the nearly 15,000 products in the range of air distribution components, almost 90% have now been converted to Revit families. Currently, this content has the most relevant data such as technical specifications, item numbers and deep links to the website. This ensures that the content is light and easy to implement in BIM projects. By adding a GTIN, it is possible to connect each specific product to databases of external parties, e.g. 2BA. This enables users to instantly view trade information such as pricing and inventory.

Smart content

Wiersma sees the bringing together of different data sources into content as the future for BIM content. "Enriching content by adding relevant data will ensure that all stakeholders in a construction project can easily retrieve data for specific products. You can click a product in the model, which immediately displays data on maintenance, spare parts and prices. This enables speed and efficiency advantages to be achieved in the entire chain, from design to delivery and maintenance."

Barcol-Air wants to make its content even smarter by adding calculation and selection data in the future. For example, virtual simulations can be carried out with the addition of data such as quantities of air, noise levels and pressure. "If we can carry out simulations in Revit with intelligent 3D content, this will provide us with both time and money. We can then focus more on innovation to continue to improve our products."

Reliable standard
Barcol-Air collaborates with Stabiplan in creating the content. "Stabicad users have had access to our products for many years through the supply product line in Stabicad. Since we had our PLSs converted to Revit Families on MEPcontent.com, we now can provide BIM content to customers around the world. MEPcontent is a user-friendly platform that contributes to our international strategy because it is available in many countries and different languages. That our content is used all over the world is also reflected in the statistics," says Wiersma.

"The EMCS (Extended MEPcontent Standard) was decisive in choosing Stabiplan as a content partner. There was no good standard in the market for BIM content to meet yet. Stabiplan made a good step with introducing the standard. We can guarantee users of the quality of our content since the EMCS meets other norms and standards. We find that this really helps in the acceptance and use of content."

About Barcol-Air B.V.
Barcol-Air has years of experience in the design, development and implementation of an optimal thermal indoor climate for creating a work environment where people enjoy their work and thus deliver maximum performance. For this purpose, Barcol-Air provides a comprehensive range of high quality air distribution components and adjustment control systems.
Since October 2015, Barcol-Air is part of SIG Air Handling Nederland.

Veniți cu noi la BIM World Munchen

MEPcontent va fi prezent în calitate de expozant la primul eveniment BIM World la Munchen, între 29 și 30 noiembrie 2016. Evenimentul BIM World Munchen va reprezenta, în Germania și țările germanofone, PLATFORMA pentru toți jucătorii implicați în sector. Conferința de două zile, cu zonă de expunere, va demonstra beneficiile și implementarea proceselor digitale, va prezenta aplicații, tehnologii și bune practici BIM esențiale, și va creiona provocările viitoare în lucrul cu BIM (Building Information Modeling). Întâlniți-vă cu experții noștri BIM și descoperiți cele mai bune instrumente BIM pentru domeniul construcțiilor: Stabicad și MEPcontent.

Aflați mai multe despre beneficiile pe care vi le aduc soluțiile noastre cu module de dimensionare integrată și informații specifice, de producător, destinate industriei MEP. Vizitați-ne la standul 66 și aflați mai multe despre valoarea adăugată adusă de Stabicad și MEPcontent.com. Ne întâlnim acolo?

Air Spiralo® successful from PIM to BIM

With over 7,000 different items, Air Spiralo®, manufacturer of circular and rectangular-collapsing ventilation ducts, has quite an extensive PIM system. Converting these products into uniform and workable BIM content was a major challenge for BIM specialist Rick van Ammers. He spoke about it during the sub-session at the SUM2016.

Together with MEPcontent, Air Spiralo® has succeeded in converting the wide range of ventilation ducts and fittings into a BIM ventilation library. The manufacturer Air Spiralo® instantly converts product data from its own PIM system into correct, workable BIM content for engineers using MEPcontent web services.

Uniform and current data
“Reliable product data is essential to the success of our organisation. All business processes, from finance to production to marketing, have a role in building the product data,” says Rick van Ammers, “therefore the PIM database is the heart of our organisation.” There is a special PIM team with a dedicated PIM manager to manage the PIM database within Air Spiralo®. Through this, data management takes place in one location and in a uniform way, and there is a direct link to the production process.

With the growing market demand for reliable BIM content, it is a logical step to provide engineers with current product data directly from the Air Spiralo® PIM system. Van Ammers: “Our database is structured according to the ETIM standard and the NEN standard. Because of this uniform structure, we can synchronise our product data with other data sources such as our ERP systems, price list and website, as well as external sources such as MEPcontent”.

Web services for up-to-date content
In cooperation with the MEPcontent team, Air Spiralo® has developed a tool that automatically fills the MEPcontent PLS data fields with the appropriate data fields from the Air Spiralo® PIM system. Due to the mapping of the fields, it is possible to also instantly convert changed product data into the BIM content library. Coert de Jong, MEPcontent Product Manager, showed how the synchronisation is technically realised during the session. “With the MEPcontent web services the Air Spiralo® PIM data is automatically converted into workable BIM content for installers,” says Coert. “The content conforms to the EMCS (Extended MEPcontent Standard). We thereby offer users content that is provided with the correct parameters. These are not only technical specifications but also trade data such as GTIN and deep links to product pages on the Air Spiralo® website.”

It is correct and it fits
With the Air Spiralo® library on MEPcontent.com, it is possible to design and install ventilation systems much more efficiently. “Since the data is always up to date, the lengths and connections are reliable. This offers many benefits to users; orders can now be placed directly from the BIM model. This lets installers know that the ventilation systems they design are correct and will fit on the construction site,” says Van Ammers. “By having the PIM data in order at the start of the construction process, the margin of error at the end of the construction process on site will be smaller. Eventually this saves so much time and money,” Rick van Ammers concludes.

Air Spiralo®
Air Spiralo® has been producing metal circular and rectangular-collapsing ventilation ducts for ventilation systems in homes, healthcare facilities, offices, factories and ships for more than fifty years. Air Spiralo® is an international family business with employees and offices in the Netherlands (Schagen), England, Finland and Poland.

Mitsubishi publică aparatele de aer condiționat Mr Slim și seria M pe MEPcontent

Pentru a le pune la dispoziție inginerilor proiectanți din întreaga lume produse de la Mitsubishi Electric, MEPcontent a produs fișiere BIM pentru toată gama Mr Slim și seria M de aparate de aer condiționat. Aceste produse sunt publicate pe MEPcontent și sunt disponibile acum spre descărcare.

Aparatele de aer condiționat de tip split, mici și medii, oferă avantajul de a fi și compacte, și puternice — o combinație care asigură performanță excelentă și o instalare facilă. Utilizatorii MEPcontent pot descărca acum aceste produse sub formă de familii Revit și fișiere IFC sau .dwg 3D. Articolele 3D sunt compacte și nu încarcă foarte mult proiectul, așadar sunt ușor de utilizat. Echipate cu puncte de conexiune inteligente și dispunând de informații de articol și deeplink-uri, utilizatorii din întregul ciclu BIM pot profita de acestea.

Despre aparatele de aer condiționat Mitsubishi Electric Mr Slim și seria M
Gama Mr Slim include o selecție de opt unități interioare și o serie de patru unități exterioare, disponibile ca Power Inverter, Standard Inverter, Inverter și Zubadan. Cu Mr Slim este facilă construirea unui sistem care se potrivește cel mai bine nevoilor de condiționare a aerului din cameră. Seria M oferă linii diferite de produse, fiecare cu diverse particularități remarcabile. Toate modelele din seria M dispun de invertor, fiecare dintre ele având modele murale și de pardoseală.

Centrala robustă Remeha Gas 220 Ace disponibilă acum pe MEPcontent

Remeha introduces the GAS 220 Ace, a compact and flexible boiler for the utility. This powerful boiler is big in warmth and delivers up to 300 kW with a footprint of only half a square meter. Modelers who want to place the Gas 220 Ace in a BIM project easily download the Revit family on MEPcontent.com.

Do you want to discover the Gas Ace 220 from outside and inside? During the SUM (StabiCAD User Meeting) this boiler is presented in a unique way: participants discover the powerful performance and easy maintenance through a virtual-reality presentation.

About the Remeha Gas 220 Ace
Besides compact and powerful, the GAS 220 Ace is known for its intelligence and economical operation. In addition, the devices are fully prepared for remote communication and management. The GAS 220 Ace is the first boiler for the utility that will be provided with the new Predictive Maintenance service.
Octombrie 2016

Actualizare șablon Revit DYKA AIR

Pachetul de familii DYKA AIR a fost extins cu fitinguri și diametre de până la 235 mm.
Datorită acestei actualizări, DYKA AIR are o gamă mai largă de aplicații, ideale pentru ventilare mecanică și/sau echilibrată.
Grație designului novator, DYKA AIR are o rezistență scăzută la frecarea cu aerul.
Despre DYKA AIR: sistem de tubulatură din material plastic, accesibil oricui.

Setarea de continuare automată a desenării este predefinită în șablonul Revit aferent, astfel încât să puteți modela utilizând articolele DYKA AIR rapid și eficient.
Pentru a afla cum să utilizați optim acest pachet de familii în Revit, consultați manualul.

Booster systems for DP-Pumps now available as BIM object

Next to the Premium Line booster systems, the complete Utility Line for DP-Pumps is now available as BIM object on MEPcontent. With this extension, BIM engineers now have all objects and data available to easily design pressure boosting systems in MEP projects.

The boosting systems are real powerhouses: good for a capacity of up to 840 m³ / h (6 x 125 m³ / h pumps) and a head of 250 meters (PN25). “The content for the Utility Line is designed to be as light as possible without compromising on data or functionality. This allows users to quickly work with the products in a BIM project” says Ruud van Leeuwen, Manager Business Development at DP pumps. The content is available for free on MEPcontent and usable in almost all Revit / CAD software.

About DP-Pumps
DP-Pumps is market leader in the Netherlands, with over 50% market share in pressure boosting systems. The entire process of consulting, development and production takes place in a state-of-the-art plant in Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands. With as many as 50 technicians in fully equipped service vehicles we are ready to fix failures 24/7.